Fagområder innen undervisning og forskning, utdannelse/bakgrunn:
Jeg har en doktorgrad i pedagogikk fra NTNU og mine forskningsområder er læring og kompleks endring i ulike typer organisasjoner som skoler, universiteter og oljeselskaper. I 2015 publiserte jeg et empirisk arbeid om beslutningsprosesser i steinerskoler. Siden august 2012 har jeg undervist og veiledet studenter i Steinerhøyskolens masterprogram i pedagogikk hvor jeg har undervist temaer som amerikansk pragmatisme, narrativanalyse, kompleksitetsteori og introduksjon til metodologi. Jeg har erfaring fra tidligere akademisk arbeid i Brasil og England.
Bento, F., Bottino, A., Cerchiareto Pereira, F., Forastieri de Almeida, J., & Gomes Rodrigues, F. (2021). Resilience in higher education: a complex perspective to lecturers’ adaptive processes in response to the covid-19 pandemic. Education Sciences, 11, 492.
Khanal, P., Tagliabue & Bento, F. (2021). A Scoping Review of Organizational Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Schools: A Complex Systems Perspective. Education Sciences, 11(3), 115.
Bento F, & Couto, K. (2021). A Behavioral Perspective to Community Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: the Case of Paraisópolis in São Paulo, Brazil. Sustainability, 13(3), 1447.
Bento, F, Garotti, L. & Mercado, M.P. (2021). A scope review of organizational research on the concept of resilience in the oil and gas industry. Safety Science. 133, 105036
Bento, F., Tagliabue, M. & Sandaker, I. (2020). Exploring complexity in organizations: Bridging social networks and behavior analysis. In T. Cihon & M. Mattaini (Eds.), Behavior Science Perspectives on Culture and Community (pp. 67-99). Springer, Cham.
Bento, F. (2020). Uma introdução crítica a pesquisa em gestão do conhecimento e desafios da complexidade (A critical introduction to knowledge management and the challenges of complexity). Revista FeMass, 2(2), 39-60.
Bento, F, Tagliabue, M & Lorenzo, F. (2020). Bridging organizational silos: a systematic review of network analysis. Societies 10(3), 56.
Aouad, J. & Bento, F. (2020). A complexity perspective on Parent-Teacher Collaboration in Special Education: Narratives from the field in Lebanon. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(4), 4.
Bento, F. & Garotti, L. (2019). Resilience beyond formal hierarchical structures: a network perspective towards the challenges of an aging workforce in the oil and gas industry. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 5(1), 15.
Bento, F. (2018). Complexity in the oil and gas industry: a study into exploration and exploitation in integrated operations. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 4(1), 11.
Bento, F. (2015). Complexity and change in Waldorf schools: a narrative study into perceptions of decision-making processes. RoSE – Research in Steiner Education, 6(2), 78-94.
Bento, F. (2015). Incertezas e complexidade em organizações: um quadro conceitual para pesquisa em gestão de erros na indústria de petróleo e gás. (Uncertainty and complexity in organizations: a conceptual framework to the study of error management in the oil and gas industry). In I. Taveira, F. Maciel, R. Soares Jr. & H. Souza (Eds.), Justiça e Gestão no Campo de Petróleo e Gás (Justice and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry). Curitiba: CRV.
Bento, F. & Hokstad, L.M. (2011). Introduction: an international perspective to quality in higher education (pp 15-22). In Authors (Eds.), Perceptions of Quality in Higher Education, Rankings and Benchmarking. Trondheim: Tapir.
Bento, F. (2011). A discussion about power relations and the concept of distributed leadership in higher education institutions. Open Education Journal 4, pp 17-23.
Bento, F. (2011). The contribution of complexity theory to the study of departmental leadership in processes of organizational change in higher education. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management 1(3), pp. 275-288.
Bento, F. (2011). A complex perspective towards leadership in academic departments: investigating organizational changes in a Norwegian research-intensive academic department. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 1(2), pp 116-132.
Bento, F. (2010). Organizational complexity and departmental leadership: Perceptions of leadership and teaching/learning in a US research-intensive academic department. African Journal of Business Management, 4(8), pp. 1510-1518.
Bento, F., Tjeldvoll, A., & Welle-Strand, A. (2005). The complex relations between university, society and state: The Ethiopian Predicament in Establishing a Service University. Journal of Higher Education in Africa, 3(1), pp 51-75.
Bento, F., Tjeldvoll, A., & Welle-Strand, A. (2003). Overview of Institutions and Programmes. School Manager Training in Finland, France, United Kingdom and The United States. Studies in Education Management Research, 3, Sandvika: BI Norwegian School of Management.